April Events

April was full of fun. We went to SeaWorld Sandiego and Universal Studios. It was a lot of fun. The kids loved it, we loved it and overall it was a great vacation. When we got home we enjoyed the company of Justins parents, sister and her baby and his cousin Mandy. They arrived on Friday the 10th and stayed until the 26th. It was great having them here!! John and Deanna were able to attend Grandparents Breakfast with Riley at his school. They all got to watch Riley and Cayli race 4 wheelers in Ephrata. The kids did awesome... We celebrated Cayli's fifth birthday and Easter, lot's of fun!!
Jeri, Madison and Mandy only stayed for one week, but we had a good time (Mandy was bored and homesick, but I think she survived). We drove to Eureka to see my family, John and Deanna joined us. Rendezvous was going on so we enjoyed the parade, the wild bear and the bats in the cabin.... Gotta love the Great Outdoors...Enjoy the random pictures of our very busy, but very wonderful APRIL 2009!!

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